Seminario transmitido en vivo por Youtube

Seminario: Fotónica integrada para aplicaciones aeroespaciales y de telecomunicaciones

Realizado el día 07/09/23.

Disertante: Dr. Nicolás Abadía (Profesor Asistente de la Universidad de Cardiff, Reino Unido).


The talk will introduce integrated photonics for aerospace and data/telecom applications and present several devices designed in silicon and compound semiconductors. I will summarize my participation in a pan-UK project, The Future Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Hub, and my projects 1. EP/X011917/1 - Photonic Integrated Modulators for Aerospace and Data/Telecom, and 2. EP/Y00082X/1 - Efficient Integrated Photonic Phase Shifters for Data/Telecom and Quantum Applications. I will present my latest results in developing gallium arsenide-based devices and systems for aerospace and data/telecom applications.

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Silicon Photonics: Due to the increasing Internet traffic, there is a need to upgrade current optical networks. One of the research lines to meet this demand is implementing phase modulation formats that increase the number of bits per symbol in the optical link, E.g., the Dual-Polarization Quadrature-Phase Shift Keying (DP-QPSK). I will present a novel and very compact silicon TE-pass polarizer ( in this part.

III-V: A highly fabrication-tolerant polarization beam splitter implemented in the InP platform will be presented in this part ( This part will introduce my current projects: 1. EP/X011917/1 - Photonic Integrated Modulators for Aerospace and Data/Telecom, and 2. EP/Y00082X/1 - Efficient Integrated Photonic Phase Shifters for Data/Telecom and Quantum Applications.

* A pedido del disertante, no se realizó grabación del seminario